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Frequently asked questions

What time is check in and check out? Check in is 4pm or later and check out is 10am or earlier. Early check ins and late check outs may be requested for an additional charge. Please call our office for this type of request and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Do you allow pets? No, none of our vacation rentals allow pets of any kind.

Do you allow smoking in any of your properties? No, all of our properties are non-smoking. Smoking is only allowed on the balconies and patios.

How old do I need to be to reserve a home? In order to reserve one of our vacation homes everyone who is traveling must be at least 25 years old or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Why should I book directly with Blue Sky Villas? Blue Sky Villas eliminates all the hassle and guesswork that travelers typically experience when booking a vacation rental.

- Best Rate Guarantee. We've negotiated the best possible rates with our owners, which means you'll never find a Blue Sky Villa property at a lower price.
- Trustworthy Calendars. Our calendars are instantly updated upon booking so you never have to guess about the availability of a property.

- Secure Online Booking. Book instantly with your credit card using our secure online reservation system.
- No Security Deposits. Gone are the days of delayed deposit returns and post-trip disputes.
- Personalized Customer Service. Work with one of our in-house Travel Advisors to get the most out of your vacation rental experience.
- Vetted and Verified Properties. Our strict property review process means no surprises when you arrive at one of our homes.

What is your cancellation policy? If a renter cancels 45 days or more prior to arrival date, the renter will be issued a full refund of current payment. If a renter cancels within 45 days of arrival there will be no refund to the renter. *Travel insurance is highly recommended as it provides protection should you be forced to cancel, interrupt or delay your trip due to evacuation, serious illness or a death of a family member. The balance is due 45 days prior to arrival.

Do you supply all linens? Yes, we provide all bed and bath linens. We also provide pool towels.
Does every property have WiFi? Yes, every property is equipped with free high speed WiFi for guest use.